Interview with Shruthi Rao

Hi writing friends! Welcome to another #ChatWithThePBLady. 🥳🎉

Today, I’m talking with the author of the fun new book Kadooboo! A Silly South Indian Folk Tale.

Illustrations by Darshika Varma.

📚 What song or sound do you have as your alarm clock tone? 

Birdsong. Works great, except for in the spring when real birds chirp so early at dawn that I wake up at 4 am and paw at my phone, thinking it’s my alarm.

📚 What superpower would be most useful to have in every day life? 

Teleportation! (With rules. I’m law-abiding that way)

📚 What’s your favorite board game?

Scrabble. More for the memories associated with it than for the game itself.

📚 Now, let’s talk about your book Kadooboo. Can you please tell us the inspiration behind this story?

It’s based on a folktale I grew up with. It always made me giggle. Mispronunciation – what could be funnier to a child? 

📚 Can you tell us about a fun experience you had while making and or eating this delicious treat? 

This sweet is typically made for Ganesha Chaturthi, a festival celebrating the birth of Lord Ganesha. The aroma of frying kadooboos takes me right back to my grandmother’s place where we celebrated the festival.  

📚Why are picture books about food important, and how do they help children to learn about different cultures?

Food is universal. Consider any food, and you’ll find versions of it in another culture. Food is a way for us as humans to find both uniqueness and commonality amongst ourselves.  

📚 Do you have any other food related picture books in the works?

No more food-related books, which surprises me, considering how much I love food!

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